Membership Fees

Why do we charge a fee? We wish we could afford not too as we appreciate that your medical cannabis is an additional expense and that our fee may deter some. However, our experienced cannabis educators are not funded by a medical services plan and patients rely on their experience for cannabis counselling and education.

What’s Included?

Our team of cannabis educators provide the following:

Treatment Plans & Adjustments

  • Routes of administration
  • Treatment plan adjustments as needed
  • Symptom management monitoring
  • Up to date product availability
  • Changes from one Licensed Seller to another

Licensed Seller Selection

  • Choosing a licensed seller that meets your needs
  • Review of product availability
  • Profile patients to specific cannabis strains & products
  • Ensure affordability through compassion pricing programs and shipping costs
  • Direct billing for veterans and indigenous communities
  • Care team support and customer service

Licensed Seller Care Liaison

  • Fast track of applications for urgent cases
  • Investigate delays
  • Inventory updates
  • Form assistance

Q & A Support

  • Educators available Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:00 pm (PST) on live chat
  • Dosing and medication enquiries
  • Pricing & compassionate pricing discounts
  • Medical/legal questions
  • Insurance
  • Medical expense tax deductions
  • Travel plans and questions
  • Cannabis regulations
  • Medical cannabis vs. adult use differences

Vaporizer Selection & Sourcing

  • Working within your budget
  • User friendly devices
  • Heating source (convection vs. conduction)
  • Product recommendation & sourcing
  • Cleaning & maintenance
  • Tips and tricks on effective use

Travel & Global Treatment Plans

  • Destination product recommendations
  • Revised treatment plan adjustments due to equivalency factors
  • International cannabis laws

Care Home Support

  • Cannabis education to care providers
  • Modified documentation flow to meet facilities requirements
  • Facilitate appointments with healthcare team and family members
  • Assistance with Licensed Seller required documentation

Veteran Care Support

  • Fast track processing
  • Blue Cross liaison
  • Licensed Seller veteran programs

Access to Patient Facebook Group Community

  • Access to medical cannabis resource group for patients

Growing Your Own Cannabis

  • Assistance with Health Canada paperwork
  • Plant starting material recommendations & sourcing
  • Equipment sourcing
  • Safety & storage
  • Access to educational webinars

Please note that you can use your Greenleaf receipt and your medical cannabis receipts as a medical expense on your taxes. Every little bit of savings helps!

How Much Is the Membership Fee?

Physician (MD) Oversite**
Adults Aged 19 Years Plus
(annual income under $30,000)
Adults Aged 19 Years Plus
(annual income over $30,000)
Pediatrics (13 - 18 Years)**$200
Growing Your Own Cannabis$200
Treatment Plan Expert Oversite**
Counselling & Treatment Plan$225
Travel Treatment Plan$150

*Fees are due every 7 months (taxes not included)

Please note that our membership is not a Physician fee as all Physician interactions are covered by your health care plan.